So much for thinking I would post most days. My daughter rang Monday to say she couldn't move her leg. At all. She doesn't live far from us so I picked her up & took her to emergency. I work at the hospital & so does she so I could say I took her to work! They x-rayed & found a fracture, put her in a splint & booked her in the fracture clinic for Wednesday & sent her home. I took her to fracture clinic & thanks to my other half ended up having to pick youngest up from school at the precise moment DD had to see the consultant. Typical. The outcome - probable hairline fracture but worse - further ligament damage. This has been a problem since a skiing accident five years ago when the original injury wasn't correctly diagnosed. Result - another keyhole camera job but later they may rebuild her knee which we wanted doing 12 months ago but they didn't want to know. She's happy signed off work for two weeks as she hates it anyway but her contract ends in March & she has to find another job before then. There's an interview in Manchester on Saturday & she's determined to go. Great! This also means son & I get to spend part of the day exploring how the buses operate into the city centre to visit the Science & Industry museum. Son can't wait, he's been before & loved it.

As for me well I have to see the doc next week as a rather yukky looking warty type growth has suddenly appeared & it's not comfortable.
On the bright side I received my copy of
Workbox magazine & found inspiration for a scarf that belonged to my Dad. Not sure exactly what I will do but the ideas are coming. Must find the other scarf I held onto, maybe I could incorporate that as well.
I finished my assignment Monday night & realised that actually I had another two to do! So Tuesday I finished those. Last night, Wednesday, I went to class & handed the lot in. next week is the final lesson so I just need to make sure my file is in order & I've finished. But what am I studying? PTTLS! "Preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector" A City & Guilds qualification. In other words working in Adult Education. Not only do all teachers now have to have a teaching qualification so do those who teach in a voluntary setting. And now the government also want a register of all qualified teachers, free registration before the 31st March 2008 but will we have our results ba

ck by then? No one knows. I decided to get the qualification so I had another string to my bow if my job disappears under a local NHS trust shakeup. It proably will I fear, not many hospitals have a sewing room any more. Of course whether I can look for a teaching post is up in the air as much depends on the hours the other half works as well. Still it's an option.
Must stop referring to my beloved as the other half, I think I'll use the phrase "realtree anorak" instead. That's another story!
The dogs! Sindy coming up 15 years old at the top & Jess the nearly 10 year old here. Sindy became "my" dog when we got Jess & she attached herself to the realtree anorak. Hopelessly devoted to him she is.
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