I have a completed dress, in fact I've got 3. Well one still needs hemming, but I have to wait for the camera battery to recharge before I get pictures. I do have proof of me wearing the 1st one though. Last night was our local NHS trust learning & development awards evening, where I received my certificate for completing the manual handling trainers course. It was a BBQ & the dress code was smart. Now some wore outdoor smart casual, some wore casual, quite a few were in long patterned maxi dresses & me? Well I went for elegant & make a long lasting impression on the management (networking - I told them I was destined for management!) & I think I succeeded. My hairdresser did a fantastic job of an Audrey Hepburn inspired up do. Even my charity shop handbag decorated for a wedding last year was revamped with a black velvet ribbon. Edited to add the pattern is Vogue 2988.