But life isn't like that is it?
I have managed to half complete a pair of cropped pants. The off white linen has become pants, not finished because they need lining & I haven't got around to it. I did some down & dirty sewing with a pair of PJ shorts for the holiday - I will be vaguely presentable if I'm seen outside the caravan, I already have a top that will match. I just want a cardigan type wrap to complete the idea! I have seen lots of tops that I like in Burda WoF & also some neat kids tops in Ottobre that I could grade to fit me. No idea if any will suit me but hey, you see some sights on holiday so I'll just fit right in! No, what I want to do is repeat a style I managed to carry off a few years ago when even the French mistook me for being French!! OK my accent is pretty good, the look was probably achieved more by accident than total design though.
DS received a Wii for his birthday & I have had to insist on getting out of the house to take a break from it, not just DS but DD & myself too. We took the new car out to Rusland which is my most favourite place in the entire world. We took the dogs for a walk through the woods & had a wander around the church yard where Dad's ashes were scattered in 2001 during the foot & mouth epidemic. The intention back then was to scatter them on a favourite walk of his but of course the fields were out out of bounds so the church yard it was. It is a beautiful place, so tranquil & peaceful. Today Joe & I had a look inside the church & it is as lovely inside as out. This photo was taken a couple of years ago on a bright December morning.